Miata, S2000, Z4, Boxster: 北美常见敞篷两座小跑比较
TL;DR:没钱通勤 Miata,没钱赛道 S2000,有钱 Boxster (S)。
作为一个敞篷小跑爱好者,我这几年来也买卖、把玩过不少小车。目前北美最流行的敞篷小跑就是标题里的 4 种。想在这里讲讲我个人对这些车的评价(完全主观的想法)。
It is okay if you can't read this
TL;DR:没钱通勤 Miata,没钱赛道 S2000,有钱 Boxster (S)。
作为一个敞篷小跑爱好者,我这几年来也买卖、把玩过不少小车。目前北美最流行的敞篷小跑就是标题里的 4 种。想在这里讲讲我个人对这些车的评价(完全主观的想法)。
今天上班路上,看到一个广告牌。上面写着 “探索世界的好奇心万岁”。
WriteFreely is such a beautiful software, that I feel lucky it was recommended to me when I was trying to find a suitable platform for write.c7.io. Yet, while it reaches perfection on presenting blogs and articles to visitors, its UI interaction logic in multi-user mode for blog authors (users) is kind of confusing.
I spend last couple days thinking and tinkering it to make it (in my opinion) much better. So I decided to write a series of blogs to document my rationale behind those changes. It would be two posts: what are the problems, and what have I changed.
Note: everything I wrote here is based on WriteFreely v0.15.