
It is okay if you can't read this

  1. Make sure you have insurance before you drive the car. I got mine from midwestclassicins.com.

  2. First stop is DMV, prepare your documents per official guideline here, a couple notes on Reg343 and Reg 5036 forms:

    • DO not put any donor VIN on VIN section, either use your chassis number or DMV is able to give you a temporary one.
    • On reg 5036, the “Total value” of the vehicle must include labor cost, even if it comes from you. So if you only have itemized parts cost listed, the total value must be greater than those added up.
    • If you are using your own car (already registered to you) as a donor, make sure to request a DMV junk receipt, they will take the title. On reg 5036, do not specify cost on the donor, and label part source as “owned junked”.

    Specifically state “special construction” at DMV. They will collect the money including tax this time. Then they will instruct you to get a VIN verification from CHP, now DMV will not issue the SB100 certificate without it. You need DMV supplied reg 126 form for CHP. DMV also requires brakes and light inspection and in my case DMV needed it before giving me the CHP reg 126 form. YMMV but from what I read online DMV don’t want to issue temp operating permit without brake & light. They will only give you a one day moving pass before it.

  3. Brake & light is done commercially by a third party so it is often straightforward. I failed for the first time because they require a license plate light. An Amazon special works. All my lights have dot markings so I don’t know if they will fail you for lack of that.

  4. Technically, VIN verification at CHP should only check if any part of your car is stolen, and verify if anything can be used as a VIN (if not they will issue a ca VIN). However in my case CHP also checks for a lot of other stuff. Such as fenders and safety glass windshield (poly won’t work). CHP892 is a document that describes CHP guidelines.

  5. Come back to DMV, request sb100 certificate . They have to call Sacramento cert office, the cert office only opens weekdays till 4pm . You will get the number verbally but BAR requires the physical paper so just wait for a few weeks. Once it is physically arrived, call BAR to make an referee appointment. Now they implemented a virtual referee procedure so the first round is done over the phone. You will receive an email on what document is required. My virtual referee is really an asshole so make sure your document is organized in good order, and in my case he can’t see some of the attachment so maybe don’t send too many attachments in one email, you can send them multiple ones no problem.

  6. Once virtual referee approves the request, you will receive an email and you need to call the BAR number again. This time tell them you want to make a physical referee appointment using information you received.

  7. The referee physical location often located on cal community college campuses, the technician there is way better than the virtual one. He did not ask me if I wanted to choose body or engine year for the car but I assumed he chose the body for me. As he did not run any sniff tests and only checked my PCV. The referee will give you a smog report.

  8. Go back to DMV, give them everything, get your license plate!

You can reach out to me at [email protected], or via Mastodon.



具体的协议本身就不多介绍了,各位可以参考维基百科: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol

这里只指出一个重点:SMTP 将电邮区分为 Envelope 和 Data 两部分。通常我们在邮件客户端里见到的所有东西都属于 DATA ,包括 From:和 To:字段(也就是我们通常见到的收件人发件人)。然而所谓 Envelope 也有 MAIL FROM 和 RECP TO 数据,并且这二者和 DATA 里的 FROM/TO 一般并不一致!下文将详细展开。




我从一年前创办了自己的长毛象实例 希奇! 之后,就一直很关注Fediverse,中文名“联邦宇宙”的生态。长毛象(Mastodon)是运行在Fediverse之上的一个微博实例,但我更喜欢经由对于它的使用和管理窥探更加底层的Fediverse的原理。一年下来,我对Fediverse的信心从未如此强烈。我相信这是互联网的未来。


本文于2022-10-29首发于 https://v2ex.com/t/890875 ,关于贫困线那一段的收入和支出数字,如果您觉得过高请将所有的钱数减半。文章整体结论和论证结构不变。

注:本文主要是一个北美码农在评论北美 it 行业,并不一定普适,只是借用一下 V2EX 当个人博客发表一下个人的小小想法。



最近很粉联邦化宇宙的概念,就搭建了一个自己的 Mastodon 实例:希奇!( https://c7.io/ )。顺别也写下这篇文章聊聊我对 Mastodon/Fediverse 的看法,当作是开张大吉😄。


注:本文于 2020-04-06首发于https://v2ex.com/t/659743

因为最近家里的普通无线路由器接近罢工边缘,研究了一些关于 AP,Wifi 组网的知识,记录一下。



前言:这篇文章的想法其实在 ChatGPT 刚出来的时候就有了,可惜拖延症导致我蹭热度都蹭不上热乎的,hhhh

Spamming ChatGPT 的回复作为帖子的内容是一个月前的新鲜事,一度看的我双目流血。ChatGPT 生成的一本正经的废话和以往的互联网垃圾,譬如小编体和内容农场不同,其内容乍一看还是挺可信的。但是这反而是其最危险的部分:看起来可信可内容却并不保真。如果读者对话题不熟悉的话几乎不能辨别其真实性(除非去亲自实践一下)。很快 StackOverflow 和 V2EX 都主动禁止了这种 spamming ,也是因为同一个原因。



TL;DR:没钱通勤 Miata,没钱赛道 S2000,有钱 Boxster (S)。

作为一个敞篷小跑爱好者,我这几年来也买卖、把玩过不少小车。目前北美最流行的敞篷小跑就是标题里的 4 种。想在这里讲讲我个人对这些车的评价(完全主观的想法)。



今天上班路上,看到一个广告牌。上面写着 “探索世界的好奇心万岁”。



WriteFreely is such a beautiful software, that I feel lucky it was recommended to me when I was trying to find a suitable platform for write.c7.io. Yet, while it reaches perfection on presenting blogs and articles to visitors, its UI interaction logic in multi-user mode for blog authors (users) is kind of confusing.

I spend last couple days thinking and tinkering it to make it (in my opinion) much better. So I decided to write a series of blogs to document my rationale behind those changes. It would be two posts: what are the problems, and what have I changed.

Note: everything I wrote here is based on WriteFreely v0.15.